This is an adorable movie that captured my heart immediately. The characters are lovable and pull you right into their story. This movie follows the adventure of Hiccup, a Viking living in a village that has a pest problem; a big pest problem. As in a dragon problem. So while Hiccup tries to prove his manhood, he discovers an interesting thing about dragons. He can't tell his dad (who happens to be the boss of the clan) so keeps his knowledge a secret. But eventually secrets come out and his nearly costs the lives of his entire clan. But, as this is a children's movie, everyone ends up happily ever after. Hiccup, his friends, and even the dragons are all good characters that warm your heart as they fight together against the evil monster who is controlling the dragons, who exert fear over the vikings. I loved this movie and in the end, the best thing about Hiccup's village is the pets (dragons, who used to be the worst part of the village).
There is some violence; dragons breathe fire at each other and humans try to kill dragons, but other than that there are no problems (no language problems, sexual content, or other kinds of violence).
review by Beckyelsie
There is not violence in this movie, or not compared to the violence of other movies.